Friday, February 25, 2011

The War Against Carpet - Day 2

8:00 am
I lie on my back and stare at the wall, trying to ignore my tired old body, while fantasizing about how beautiful my new floor will look.  I am interrupted by Ally and Elton jumping up and down on me.  I guess they deserve a walk, since yesterday was consumed with supervising my work and inhaling tile dust.  I forgot to mention that Elton has a taste for tile shards.  I explain to them that their nails must be cut short at all times when we have the new floor.  I also let them know that this floor will improve our lives immensely, bringing us much joy and happiness.  They nod in agreement, roll their eyes, and go get their leashes.

9:00 am
I am off to the foot doctor or "orthopedic surgeon" if you want to get fancy.  I inform him of the War Against Carpet and he asks me if I am crazy.
"Yes" I say, "That is correct."
I get a steroid shot in my foot.  This hurts a lot but is worth it because in 24 hours I will feel a lot better.
I call my trainer Derrick to let him know that I cannot work out due to the foot shot.  When questioned, I immediately acquiesce that the real reason is that I am sore from yesterdays battles.  He gives me a pass, and I promise to show up on Friday, war wounds and all.

10:00 am
All good soldiers need to rest, and I procrastinate by starting a blog.

11:00 am
My energy has been renewed and I now continue with vigor.  I carry the boxes of wood into the house, sustaining only one small injury, and then paint the baseboards.  I do this outside in the sun, where I am reminded that I should also be taking time to relax.

2:00 pm
I wander on down to the pool.  Jane is also there and we strategerize as to which way my floor boards should lay...we also discuss the meaning of life and other such minor details.

4:00 pm
Jane feeds me a Key Lime ice cream bar.  Note to self:  buy these from Fresh Market immediately.

4:30 pm
The Battle of the Tile continues but really the tile is fighting a losing battle as I haul it out to the garbage. The carpet tack strips join in the battle only to be also quickly defeated.

My room is now empty and bare and all that is left is the plaster from the tile, but I am sure that will be easy to remove.

8:00 pm
Anna returns home to find me weeping over the chisel and pick axe.  Must ... go... on.... can barely raise arms at this point.  Whatever was holding the tile to the floor was apparently meant to last for the next million years.  Anna works on it also while I halfheartedly sweep the floor.  She manages to chip away another foot (square foot, not her own foot), I am sure I can get the rest done tomorrow no problem.

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